Creating a Website Using the Static Site Generator

This guide will help you create a website using the static site generator application. The application converts Markdown files into HTML files using customizable templates.


Project Structure

Your project should follow this structure:

├── config.yaml
├── templates/
│   └── base/
│       ├── footer.tmpl
│       ├── header.tmpl
│       ├── main.tmpl
│       ├── images/
│       ├── js/
│       │   └── helper_funcs.js
│       └── style/
│           └── style.css
├── mysite/
│   ├──
│   ├── about/
│   │   └──
│   ├── contact/
│   │   └──
│   └── docs/
│       ├──
│       └──
└── static/
    ├── css/
    ├── images/
    ├── js/
    └── ...

Configuration File

Create a config.yaml file inside the templates/base/ directory with the following content:

SiteName: "MySite"
SiteDescription: "This is my site"
SiteTitle: "MySite"
FontSet: "" # FontAwesome CDN

# Slider Info
NumberOfSlides: 3
SlideChangeInterval: 3000 # Milliseconds
SlideFolder: "images/slides"
SlidePrefix: "slide_" # Results in slide_[1...${NumberOfSlides}].jpg

# Footer Info
SocialX: ""
SocialFB: ""
SocialYT: ""

Template Files









JavaScript File



Markdown Files

Create your content in Markdown files inside the mysite/ directory.

Example Markdown File: mysite/

# Welcome to My Site

![My Image](images/image.png)
This is the home page of my static site generated from Markdown files. ## Custom Section This section has a custom CSS class.
### Subsection This subsection also has a custom CSS class.

Running the Application

  1. Navigate to your project directory:

    cd my_project
    1. Build and run the application: bash go run main.go mysite base This command will process the Markdown files in the mysite/ directory using the base template and generate the static site in the static/ directory.
  2. Open the generated site in your browser:

    open static/index.html

    Customizing Your Site

    You can customize your site by modifying the template files in the templates/base/ directory. The structure of these files determines how the content is rendered on your site. - header.tmpl: Defines the header section of your site, including navigation links. - footer.tmpl: Defines the footer section of your site, including social media links with Font Awesome icons. - main.tmpl: Defines the main structure of your HTML pages, including the header, footer, and content sections. - style.css: Defines the styles for your site, including basic resets, header, footer, dropdown menus, and slider styles. - helper_funcs.js: Includes JavaScript functionality for dropdown menus and image sliders.

    Adding Custom CSS Classes and Attributes in Markdown

    You can add custom CSS classes and attributes to your Markdown content using the following syntax:

    Example Markdown with Custom Classes and Attributes

    # Welcome to My Site
    ![My Image](images/image.png)
    This is the home page of my static site generated from Markdown files. ## Custom Section This section has a custom CSS class.
    ### Subsection This subsection also has a custom CSS class.

In the above example:

adds a custom class to the image.
adds a custom class to the section.

These custom classes will be processed and rendered correctly in the generated HTML files.


By following this guide, you can create a static website using Markdown and customizable templates. Modify the configuration and template files as needed to fit your specific requirements. Happy coding!